November 13, 2008

What EYE did today.

1 comment:

btwitch said...

This is very cool and a great start to a series. Be sure to watch the focus. I am guessing that you noticed that when you get in that close, the line between in-focus and OOF is very small. The first one and the last two are close, but the eyeball itself is a bit OOF and the focus is on the eyelashes. Keep going with this project, it is fun to do. It is amazing how much detail there is in the eyeball and everyone is so unique. It is an amazing part of the body.

Something to think about...

"The point of life is not to get anywhere—it is to notice that you are, and have always been, already there. You are, always and forever, in the moment of pure creation. The point of life is therefore to create—who and what you are, and then to experience that." -Neale Donald Walsch